The Association for Young People’s Health works to understand and meet the particular health and wellbeing needs of 10-25 year olds.

We want all young people to have the best possible health and equal access to high quality youth friendly services.

Key Data on Young People


18-24 year olds are current smokers


15 year olds say they have never drunk alcohol


15 year olds have decay in permanent teeth


secondary school pupils have SEN support


young people transition from CAMHS to AMHS

Recent articles

Baroness Doreen Massey, AYPH Patron

Baroness Doreen Massey, AYPH Patron

We were incredibly sad to hear of the death of our Patron Doreen Massey last week.  She is a profound loss to our organisation and to the young people’s health field.  We wanted to share some reflections from staff, patrons and trustees on the importance of her work...

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Type 1, not typecast 

Type 1, not typecast 

In 2023 Andrew took part in our engagement project ‘Understanding the experiences of young people with type 1 diabetes from communities that experience marginalisation’.  As someone living with Type 1 diabetes and a neurodiverse condition we are delighted to share his...

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